19 May 2008

that whole revolution thing.

i didn't manage to catch vh1's sex: the revolution the first time around, early last week - it didn't help that there was pretty much no coverage of it anywhere. my assumption is that it was neither groundbreaking enough nor offensive enough to warrant anyone's attention. i only watched the first half hour, which didn't tell me anything i didn't already know: the 50s and early 60s were sexually repressive, put an inordinate amount of emphasis on female virginity, and scared people into thinking that if they treated sex as anything other than anathema, their children would be nothing more than a bunch of morally corrupt syphilis carriers.

i taped the rest, though - all 3 and a half more glorious hours - so i'll be sure to mention it if i ever make it through. if anyone's seen it [or if anyone reads this...], be sure to let me know.

in other news, if you want to see all the reasons ab-only sex ed sucks in one nicely done letter to the editor, you should check this out.

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